In a world where data has become a common denominator across business units, marketers have a new assignment: demonstrate the value of your brand and show your work. What is brand value? Finding the value of a brand is complicated but we have a methodology that makes it simple.
Siegel+Gale has pioneered a new methodology that approaches brand value in a different way. This new approach takes into account the key elements required of a good analysis: It has an empathetic understanding of how people think, models how people make decisions, puts those decisions into the context of the market, and has an array of rich applications, including the ability to calculate brand’s impact on revenue.
Click here to read more about how to measure brand value using a new methodology that adds up.
Margaret Molloy is global CMO and head of business development at Siegel+Gale. Follow her on Twitter: @MargaretMolloy and Instagram:@MargaretMMolloy